Saturday, 18 January 2014

UNSC and Permanent membership for India

(This Article contains information under the GS mains paper-2 syllabus. Especially under the topic ‘Important International institutions, agencies and for theirstructure, mandate’)

1.      Introduction
2.      Features of UNSC
3.      Powers of UNSC
4.      UNSC- So Far
5.      Reforms in the Security Council
6.      India’s role
7.      Why India Should given permanent membership in the Expansion process
8.      Why India could be opposed to the seat in the Expansion process
9.      Conclusion

1. Introduction
·         To do world police work greater participation needed. Present scenarios are different from 1945, expansion of UNSC permanent membership required for interest of different regions.
·         Two Issues: Traditional (Long process)- Border, water disputes, resource sharing; can solve diplomatically. Non-Traditional (Evolves periodically)- New radical ideologies, terrorism, Nuclear weapons threat, piracy, internal conflicts etc; Major Interventions needed.
·         UNs failure to tackle and USA’s unilateral policy on conflict regions with its vast military and weapons enables the need for more engagements from regional powers.
·         The need for reforms in SC got attention by1992. In 1997, Kofi Annan, then Secretary General set up high level committee for reconstituting the UNSC
·         UN listed the requirements and authorized US to judge the potential member based on the following seven points in Sep2005: Commitment to democracy and human rights, Size of economy, Military capacity, Financial contribution to the UN, Contribution to UN peace keeping, Record on Non-Proliferation and Counter terrorism
·         Recent western interventions in Iraq, Syria, and Libya on the reasons of WMD, Nuclear disarmament manipulates UNs lack of greater role and the need for revamp.
2. Features of UNSC
·         One of the six organs of UNs setup in 1945, charged with maintenance of International Peace and Security
·         Based on UNs Charted(Constitutional provisions) the various actions exercised through resolutions in the UN General Assembly.
·         Total- 15members: Permanent-5Nos(P5 Countries), Non-permanent-10Nos
·         P5 countries- USA, UK, Russia, China, France. They have ‘Veto’ making powers, meaning a negative from P5 would prevent the resolution or adoption of proposals in UNGA.
·         Negative vote or ‘Veto’ also known ‘Great Power unanimity’.
·         So total International support and one ‘Veto’ = No Resolutions in UNGA. (USA is a Great rescuer of Israel on so many resolutions against it)
·         Non-Permanent Member Countries- 10nos, Elected by UNGA represents different regions and gives important proposals in UNSC. Elections hold for every 2yrs rotationally.
·         Minimum votes required for affirmative proposals in UNSC -9 of 15members. Abstention by a P5 cannot be a ‘Veto’.

3. Powers of UNSC
·         All powers as per UN Charter of 1945. UNSC is important decision making authority on the questions of global peace and security.
·         The council decides who is the aggressor, recommends various resolutions, Interrupts the war, arranges diplomatic peace talks, restores and maintains peace in conflict regions.
·         Actions like engaging peace keeping troops, economic sanctions, freezing of assets, barring imports and exports, sanctions of weapons, inspections on deadlier weapons etc.,
·         These powers executed through GA as proposed and drafted resolutions.
·         Others like admission of new members, exercise of trusteeship, recommend to appointment of General-Secretary and together with GA to elect judges of International Court of Justice.
4. UNSC – So Far
·         P5 with its ‘Veto’ played major role. Can be split into two Eras; before and after the disintegration of Soviet Bloc.
·         P5 acted on their own and their supports interests in conflict regions or who does favors to them.
·         Western blocs and Soviet bloc differed and acted against each other in the council ended in less resolutions in the UNGA(Till 1989 only 646Nos)
·         Good works of UNSC after 1989 – No of resolution reached more than 2000 till 2007.
·         Since 1972, the USA used more Vetoes than any other P5 on various issues made themselves ‘Super Power’. No one stopped it after Soviet Union disintegration and their less involvement in international issues later.
·         US vetoed to save Israel to save it from Islamist countries. UNGA made sanctions citing settlement in Palestine area, Attacks on civilians, disarming nuclear arms etc., they all vetoed by US.
·         US took war on Iraq in 2003 saying it possess WMD without UN official approval and proof.
·         General lack of willingness by UNSC not by any ‘Veto’ also ended in disastrous wars. (Durfur region of Sudan conflicts from 2003, Iran-Iraq wars(1980-88))
·         Since 1945 the ‘Veto used by P5: US-89, UK-32, France-18, Russia/USSR-123, and China-6.

5. Reforming the UNSC
·         Changing scenario of world power blocs, the reforms talks emerged. 1st resolution of reforming and expanding the UNSC came in 1992 in GA.
·         In 1997 high level committee setup by Kofi Annan and the report released by 2004 gave four major principles
(a)Increasing decision making authority, who contributes more to the UN financially, militarily, diplomatically.
(b)Bringing broader membership from the developing world.
(c) The shouldn’t impair the effectiveness of the SC.
(d)The shouldn’t increase the democratic and accountable nature of the body.
·         Apart all the developed and developing countries started asking for permanent membership for a greater role in world affairs and they pressed even to get in the assembly.
·         ‘Enemy Countries’ (Germany and Japan) as stated in Charter after the fall in WW-II argues they should be no more in that category.
·         They emerged as a great economic and political power seeks a berth in permanent membership. (Germany is a top head of EU and added itself as P5+1 to takes part in various regional issues)
·         G4- major runners for permanent membership was emerged to showcase its power and its willingness to do big role (G4- Brazil, Germany, India, Japan).
·         Other countries like Indonesia, Egypt, South Africa, Turkey etc., also want permanent membership for the interest of their regions.
·         Members of the assembly together desire expansion and reforms in the council because of its failure to tackle many conflicts.
6. India’s role
·         Gandhiji felt the unified India should become a ‘Veto’ making member in 1945. But our leaders are engaged with gaining independence from British.
·         Become Non-permanent member for the first time (1951-52).
·         So far Non-permanent membership of India- 7 Times (Recently 2011-2012).
·         India itself seeking permanent membership from 1994.
·         India 1st approached UNSC in 1948 on Kashmir issue, ended in resolution against India and never abided that, saying Simla Agreement has overtaken this.
·         UNSC did major roles on the Kashmir debates of 1957.
·         Worst time in UNSC during 1960-70. India complained about the China’s nuclear test of 1964 and asked UN seeking disarmament treaty. Instead it was asked to sign NPT but it never.
·         During crisis of East Pakistan-1971, India took military intervention claimed to stop the big genocide. Saved by ‘Veto’ of Soviet from imposing sanctions by UN.
·         Without the endorsement of UN, India intervened in Sri Lanka with its peace keeping force after the India-Sri Lanka Accord-1987.
·         It’s a strong functional initiative of UN and its organs. It supported the establishment of UNICEF, UNDP, and UNEP etc.
·         Though last two decade India’s role much improved in economic, inclusive, sustainable developments, diplomatic relations with neighbors and UN.

7.Why India should given permanent Membership
·         World’s largest liberal democracy, second most populated, high demographic dividend nation(60% in the age group of 15-59).
·         Ethnically biggest Hindu religious nation, 2nd most Muslims populated in the world.
·         Major regional power in the Indian ocean Region.
·         3rd largest Military power, constantly engaging with UN peace keeping (more than 50yrs) and regular contributor of troops to UN.
·         Major and regular financial contributor to the UN.
·         One of the top 10 economies. Potential to become 3rd largest within 30yrs. In terms of PPP, GDP is 4th biggest in the world according to World Bank report-2005.
·         Space, Missile, Nuclear power.
·         India holds the support of all P5 members. In its last tenure(2011-12) of Non-permanent membership election in UNGA it got 187 of 190 countries vote.
·         Proved it’s peaceful co-existence concept in communist bloc and free world  by leading the creation of NAM.
·         Other than peace loving country with non-aggression and non-interference as the cornerstone of its panchsheel policy.
8. Why India could be opposed to the seat in expansion process
·         Kashmir issue- Pakistan specifically complaining on India and its violations. Pak also not interested in expansion. Continuously opposing the reform process.
·         India violated previous resolutions and not listened to UN on so many issues(Kashmir, crisis of1971, Nuclear weapons test in 1974,1998)
·         India is nuclear weapons holder and not signed NPT.
·         One of 9 country not signed CTBT to ratify to become in force.
·         India and china’s border dispute issue persists for more than 25yrs and yet to be settled.
·         Hub for insurgencies and left wing extremism. Inability to tackle internal issues.
·         Economically per capita GDP is lowest in G20, 50% lower than Indonesia, the next lowest member.
9. Conclusion
·         India possess important attribute to global security makes the case for a permanent seat.
·         More diplomatic relation with regional relations supports the case.
·         High and young population, immense English speaking citizens, highly educated workforce, high volume of FDI may legitimize its membership.
·         Poverty reduction and more inclusive concepts should get priority.
·         Future of India’s quest in UNSC is in the hands of P5, greater co-operation with them would ensure that.

List of References:
1. IGNOU/Political Studies/Peace and Conflict Studies(MPSE-006), International Relations(MPS-002)
3. Research Journal of south Asian studies/Indian Aspiration of permanent membership in UNSC
5. (Several pages related to Security Council and India)
7.; Reforms of Security Council; NPT; CTBT

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