Why the MUDRA Bank is necessary and what shape is it likely to
take. Last week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Mudra (Micro Units
Development and Refinance Agency) Bank amid much fanfare. Mudra Bank, focused on small and micro
enterprises, will facilitate credit by refinancing financial institutions for
lending to micro businesses and entrepreneurs covering loans from Rs.50,000 to
Rs.10 lakh. It will also act as a regulator for micro-finance institutions
(MFIs).The initiative has attracted quite a bit of criticism and skepticism,
but these do not understand the scope and possible structure and even the
context in which the Mudra Bank became a necessity. That context is the extreme
difficulty that small and micro enterprises face in accessing credit.
The government has itself admitted that only 4 per cent of the
57.7 million small business units have access to institutional finance. This is
true and unfortunate. The Prime Minister speaking at the launch of MUDRA. Unincorporated
enterprises comprising proprietorship and partnership firms account for close
to 50 per cent of India’s gross domestic product (GDP) and an almost similar
share of value addition in the manufacturing sector. They also constitute almost 70 per cent of
enterprises in various segments of the service sector, which has a nearly
two-third share in GDP and has been averaging an 8 per cent growth in the last
decade. Trade, which is part of the service sector, itself, is nearly 17 per
cent of GDP, as much as manufacturing. In spite of playing such an important
role in the economy, the credit available to unincorporated enterprises from
formal banking channels is actually shrinking. Industry experts estimate that
the demand for loans from the sector outstrips the supply by more than Rs 30
lakh crore.
Consider these numbers. Between March 1990 and 2012, the share of
the household sector in national income [consisting of unincorporated or small
and micro units came down from 58 per cent to 36 per cent. Ironically, it was
during this period that the role of the unincorporated enterprises in trade,
transport, construction, restaurants, and other business services grew at more
than an 8 per cent compounded annual growth rate (CAGR). In contrast, the
private corporate sector, whose share in national income, is between 12 percent
and 15 per cent takes away nearly 40 per cent of the credit provided by the
banking sector. Let us look at another set of figures – outstanding credit of
scheduled commercial banks. In the up to Rs. 10 lakhs category, the share of
credit outstanding has come down from 32% of total credit outstanding in March
2000 to 21% in 2011. Even if one increases the credit limit range to up to Rs 1
crore, the share has fallen from 45% to 32% over the same period. This is not
just lazy banking but also banking with significant structural distortions. With
the formal banking sector failing the unincorporated sector, the latter has
little choice but to rely on the non-banking financial sector. This is an
assorted group of entities which include unincorporated bodies or money lenders,
chit funds and nidhis andkuris.
Consider yet another set of figures. At Rs 13.5 lakh crore, the
share of trade in national income (at factor cost at current prices) was 18 per
cent in 2011-12. Of this,the share of the non-corporate sector was nearly 76
per cent, or approximately Rs 10.1 lakh crore. If 75 percent needs to be
financed (which could be an underestimation since we are looking at value
addition and not sale), then the credit need of the trade sector is Rs 7.6 lakh
crore. However, according to the Annual Report 2012 of the Reserve Bank of
India, the financing of trade by the banking sector was Rs. 2 lakh crore in 2011, which was 28 per cent of the credit
availed by the sector. So, more than 70 per cent of the financial requirement
of the non-corporate sector in trade is met by non-banking sources.
The transmission mechanism of our monetary policy is weak due to
the segmented market. This brings out the need to have a comprehensive approach
towards the non–bank sector in the credit market instead of looking at issues
in a piecemeal fashion. Generally the interest rate for unincorporated
enterprises varies from 2 per cent to 6 per cent a month, depending upon the
requirement and speed of getting credit. So we have a situation of huge funds available
with the formal banking sector, on the one hand, even as the non-corporate
sector is forced to borrow at prohibitive interest rates from the non-banking
sector. What is really needed is a comprehensive approach towards the non-bank
sector in the credit market instead of looking at issues in a piecemeal
fashion. Currently, different entities under the broad rubric of non-banking
companies are regulated by different agencies. Unincorporated bodies are
regulated by state governments, chit funds by the registrar of chits of state
governments and nidhis by the department of company affairs of the Union
government. The stress is more on regulation rather than on development of an
integrated financial market.
This is where Mudra Bank can play a role by integrating the large
number of individual money lenders and other micro/mini financial bodies into
the main financial markets. Remember, Mudra Bank is not a regular lending bank.
It will formulate lending norms and responsible financing practices for micro-finance
institutions so that the small businesses do not face hardship over
indebtedness, while getting a fair environment for repayment. It will
facilitate credit of up to Rs 10 lakh to small entrepreneurs, benefitting small
manufacturing units, shopkeepers, fruits and vegetable sellers, hair saloon,
beauty parlors, truck operators, hawkers, artisans in rural and urban areas –
the very sectors that get a raw deal from the formal banking sector.
Providing access to
institutional finance to such micro/small business units/enterprises will not only
help in improving the quality of life of these entrepreneurs but also turn them
into strong instruments of GDP growth and employment generation. The initial products and schemes under this
umbrella have already been created and the interventions have been named
‘Shishu’, ‘Kishor’and ‘Tarun’ to signify the stage of growth/development and
funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit/entrepreneur. However, it is not
yet clear if Mudra Bank will emerge as the sole regulator of the micro-finance sector,
replacing the Reserve Bank of India, which regulates MFIs that are registered
as non-banking finance companies (NBFCs). A decision on this will be taken when
the bill on Mudra Bank will be drafted. Till the Mudra Bank gets statutory
status through an Act, it will be a subsidiary of the Small Industries
Development Bank of India and will be registered as an NBFC.
The Mudra Bank can be different from existing systems if it will
be more relationship-based and not just rule-based. It should involve less
paper work, enabling easy accessibility to finance. In addition, it should deal
with cash flow-based lending rather than asset-based lending. After all, most
of the target borrowers are in the service sectors and hence the need to focus
more on income generated rather than fixed assets etc. The lending institutions
are expected to be less rigid in terms of risk adjusted capital/NPA
provisioning etc and will encourage technology-based collection mechanisms for
ease of transactions. The Mudra Bank can become a vehicle for integrating the
currently segmented and disparate financial markets. It needs to become a Small
Business Finance and Development Authority (SBFDA), with the authority to
register, develop and regulate small business finance institutions and be
fashioned on the lines of the National Housing Bank. This SBFDA will be
initially owned by the nationalized and private banks to the extent of 51 per
cent with the central government holding the remaining 49 per cent stake. It
must have the right to offer shares to foreign institutions through their funds
floated for financing small businesses. The SBFDA will also float long-term
bonds to augment funds from banks and foreign sources.
MUDRA may formulate guidelines for minimum capital for Small
Business Finance Institutions (SBFIs) and also capital adequacy norms for all
SBFIs, frame rules for new SBFIs that come up as well as for the migration and
registration of all existing SBFIs under the new law. What will be needed is a
new definition of small business. Under the new regime, the term small business
will include manufacturing, trading and services by sole proprietors, family concerns
and partnerships, including limited partnerships and one-person companies
within the meaning of the Companies Act. This definition is more appropriate than
one based on assets/investments/turnover, which invariably lead to companies
splitting after they reach a certain size. Small business finance will mean
extending finance to small businesses by way of term loans, working capital,
venture capital and other means.
There will be different kinds of SBFIs that will come under the
umbrella of Mudra Bank as SBFDA. They can apply for registration with the
SBFDA, within a certain period – say, 180 days – of the coming into force of
the new law and be subject to the rules and regulations set by it.–SBFIs: These
are institutions promoted for and engaged in providing small business finance.
More than 60 per cent of their average loan and credit portfolio will consist
of small businesses. SBFIs will include all existing non-banking finance
institutions including chit funds, unincorporated business and other
traditional institutions which satisfy the criteria of small business finance.-
National Small Business Finance Institutions [NSBFIs]: Small business finance
institutions with operations in more than one state and which are engaged in
providing small business finance directly to SBFIs or act as wholesale funding
institutions for other small business finance institutions.
Existing NBFCs which provide finance for small businesses may
migrate to the new regime and get registered as NSBFIs as well, with the proviso that small business finance
must comprise 60 per cent of their loan and credit portfolio within a period of
three years, failing which their registration will be cancelled.–State Small
Business Finance Institutions [SSBFIs]:are existing NBFCs which are engaged in
providing finance to small businesses either directly or act as wholesale
funding institutions for other small business finance institutions but operate
within a particular state. They can migrate to the new regulatory regime and
get registered as SSBFIs. They can also get registered as NSBFIs.–Other Small
Business Finance Institutions [OSBFIs]:These will comprise all SBFIs, other
than NSBFIs and SSBFIs, which operation in parts of any state. In addition to
registering these SBFIs, the SBFDA can set norms (including deposit insurance
conditions) for NSBFIs and SSBFIs to access public funds by way of deposits and
bonds without issuing advertisements or otherwise soliciting subscriptions.
To integrate existing lenders, there is need to undertake a
massive survey-cum-rating exercise involving state-level NBFCs and further
lower-level financing entities. This will bring orderliness and inclusiveness
into the new financial architecture. The process of rating all these entities
will enhance credibility and help in risk assessment. This will reduce the cost
of lending to some extent. All in all, this refinancing/rating/regulating body
will reduce cost of capital and integrate the currently segmented financial
markets. The process of funding the unfunded, results in the existing last mile
financier being made a part of the system. Let us hope the coming bill fulfills
our expectations.
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