rural indebtedness- Rural Credits
The problem
in rural India is not one of too much credit to poor households that leads to
debt waivers that damage
bank balance sheets, but one of inadequate access to credit from formal
IF Reserve
Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan is to be believed, efforts to help Indian
farmers by providing them with cheap(er) credit and
relieving them of an unsustainable debt burden only harms them in the long run.
In his speech delivered at the annual
conference of
the Indian Economic Association, Rajan is reported to have advanced a number of
counterintuitive arguments and raised a number of
unusual questions on farm debt. The first was
that when governments in the States or at the Centre intervene in periods of
distress (resulting from damage due to floods,
cyclones or drought, for example) by requiring banks to waive farm debt with
promise of official support, they end up restricting
credit flow
to agriculture. Banks become reluctant to lend to farmers because they fear
that those new loans too would be written off. Moreover, as
happened with loans that were written off when governments in Telangana and
Andhra Pradesh declared loan waivers
when cyclone
Phailin ravaged the region last year, the promise of official support may not
be kept. While the Telangana government did deliver
the mandated 25 per cent of the loan amount written off by the banks, Andhra
Pradesh has thus far not done so. This, in the
view, would only increase the reticence of the banks to lend. Clearly in his
view, the government cannot influence the behaviour of
even banks that are publicly owned, even though it seems to be able to force
them to lend huge amounts to privately operated
infrastructure projects in areas varying from power to civil aviation.
Second, there
is, according to the governor, reason to believe that when debt waiver schemes
are implemented they are afflicted by significant
errors of inclusion and exclusion, providing benefits to those who are not
eligible and bypassing some who should be benefited. To
illustrate this view, he refers to the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)
report that found that in 2008 when the United
Progressive Alliance (UPA) government implemented an Agricultural Debt Waiver
and Debt Relief Scheme, which provided debt relief
to the tune of Rs.52,516 crore, there were several instances when ineligible
farmers were given the benefit and eligible ones were ignored.
Suggesting that this evidence pointed to the possibility of fraud, the governor
has argued against such schemes. The strategy
seems to be one of avoiding the possibility of fraud rather than one of
detecting and penalising fraud.
Finally, the
governor argued that cheap and subsidised credit to the farm sector in the form
of short-term crop loans rather than longterm loans for
investment may be diverting credit away from capital formation with attendant
adverse consequences for productivity, even while the
indebtedness of farmers increases. The thrust of
these arguments seems to be that the policy adopted after bank nationalisation,
of directing credit to the priority sectors
at reasonable
interest rates, with 18 per cent of total advances mandated to be provided to
the agricultural sector, should be revisited. It may be
better to leave it to banks to decide whether credit should be provided to the
agricultural sector, and if so to which activities
and at what
interest rate. Implicit in that view is the perception that forced lending to
agriculture has not only resulted in a sharp expansion of
credit to the farm sector, but also in indebtedness of a kind that demands
periodic debt waiver and relief schemes at the
expense of
bank balance sheets and productive investment.
This amounts
to turning hitherto received wisdom on its head. The policy of directing credit
to agriculture was adopted because evidence on
the eve of bank nationalisation pointed to the near-complete exclusion of
agriculture from bank credit. Despite accounting
for as much
as a third of the gross domestic product (GDP) and more than two-thirds of
total employment in the mid-1960s, agriculture
received around 2 per cent of total bank credit advanced. Nationalisation was
seen as breaking the control of the businessgroups over much of the banking
system which was seen as explaining this exclusion of agriculture from bank
credit flows, which went largely to
the corporate sector. It was also seen as creating conditions that ensured that
it was not just profit but the development
objectives of
the government that were served by the banking system.
The evidence
shows that with public ownership, the target of directing 40 per cent of total
credit to the priority sectors and the subtarget of
channelling 18 per cent of total credit to agriculture were soon achieved. The
change in ownership had clearly transformed
behaviour to yield the intended result. Yet, in 1991, the first Narasimham
Committee on the Financial System recommended that the directed
credit programme should be phased out, the “priority sector” redefined and its
share in total credit reduced from 40 to not more than 10
per cent. The justification provided was largely that the directed credited
programme was adversely affecting profitability
and contributing disproportionately to the non-performing assets of the banking
sector. Even though
this recommendation of the Narasimham Committee was not accepted by the Reserve
Bank of India and the government, liberalisation
of the bank licensing policy after 1991 saw a reduction in the number of rural
branches and a decline in the share of commercial
banks in outstanding agricultural credit from about 61 per cent of total
agricultural credit in 1990-91 to around 26 per cent in 1999-2000.
Reform seemed to have encouraged banks to withdraw from the direction pursued
until then.
after 2004 the trend changed sharply with the share of commercial banks in
agricultural credit rising once again to reach 58 per cent
by 2010-11. However, as Pallavi Chavan has underlined, there was one major
difference in the trends in bank credit to
in the years prior to and after 2004. In the period between 1973-74 and
1997-98, while the ratio of agricultural credit to agricultural
GDP rose from around 10 to around 25 per cent, the ratio of capital formation
in agriculture to agricultural GDP also rose
from around
6.5 per cent to 8 per cent of GDP. While the divergence between the two ratios
had increased, the increase in credit was also
supporting increased investments in agriculture. However, starting from the end
of the 1990s, while the ratio of agricultural credit to
agricultural GDP shot up from around 25 per cent to about 73 per cent by
2010-11, the ratio of capital formation in agriculture to agricultural
GDP rose only from around 8 to 17 per cent. This huge increase in divergence
implied that far more money was going to
purposes. This was also a period when agricultural GDP was rising at a slow 2.8
per cent per annum. The boom in bank credit to
agriculture was contributing only marginally to capital formation and growth.
One reason is
because, as suggested by the Narasimham Committee, the notion of priority
sector credit was redefined, with new areas such as
lending to input providers (such as seed suppliers), warehouses and
microfinance institutions being treated as “indirect finance”
agriculture. Even though indirect finance to agriculture could only amount to
25 per cent of the agricultural lending sub-target of 18 per cent (or
4.5 per cent of total advances), any such lending in excess of 4.5 per cent
could be included when computing achievement
of the 40 per
cent aggregate priority sector requirement. This opened a set of relatively
lucrative lending avenues that could serve to meet the
priority sector lending target. According to Pallavi Chavan, “the share of
indirect credit in total agricultural credit more than doubled from
21.5 per cent in 1991-92 to 48.1 per cent by 2007-08”. Thus, if there is any
distortion in the distribution of agricultural credit, it
seems to result from the liberalisation of policy rather than from excessive
What is also
remarkable is that despite the boom in bank credit to agriculture, the access
to credit in the rural areas still remains limited.
According to the recently released results of the All India Debt and Investment
Survey conducted by the National Sample Survey
Organisation, as on June 30, 2012, there were only 31.4 per cent of households
in rural India that were exposed to debt. That was not very
much higher than the 26.5 per cent recorded in the previous survey relating to
2002. Moreover, 19 per cent of the rural households
obtained credit from non-institutional sources and only 17 per cent from institutional sources (including banks). Clearly, the perception
that rural households have been forced into excess indebtedness because of
availability of cheap bank credit seems to be overstated.
What is more,
an analysis of the class-wise distribution of the incidence of indebtedness
shows that while the incidence varied between 19.7 and 27.5
per cent in the lowest four deciles classified in terms of the size of asset
holding, the average debt of each of the
households in
these deciles varied from just Rs.40,000 to Rs.50,000. On the other hand, the
incidence of debt in households in the richest
decile in terms of assets was 41.3 per cent, with the average debt of indebted
households placed at Rs.2.7 lakh. Not surprisingly,
while the
percentage of households indebted to institutional sources was placed at 7.9
and 7.4 per cent respectively in the poorest asset classes, the
figure stood at 32.6 for the richest asset class. On the other hand, in terms
of exposure to non-institutional debt, the figures
were 14 and
17 per cent in the poorest asset classes and 15.3 per cent in the richest.
Poorer households were being forced to rely disproportionately
on non-institutional sources for credit. In sum, what
the evidence seems to suggest is that the problem in rural India is not one of
too much credit to poor households that leads to debt
waiver schemes that damage bank balance sheets, but that of inadequate access
to credit from formal sources. If rural
credit needs
to be revisited, it must be to expand credit access rather than to restrict it
because of excessive indebtedness. Moreover, it appears
that when banks are given greater freedom, they lend far less for capital
formation rather than much more. And the size of
the loans
involved is clearly small change when compared with the loans handed out to
those in the corporate sector who are increasingly
being seen as wilful defaulters. As the governor has flagged on another
occasion, those large wilful defaulters see the
of debt which they have stopped servicing as their right rather than (as
ostensibly in the case of debt waiver schemes) a favour from
the government or the Reserve Bank of India.
(Published in
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