search of clean air
worsening atmospheric pollution in India threatens the basic health of people,
but almost nothing is being
done in terms of effective public policy to address this serious problem.
7 was voting day in the capital city of Delhi. So it was effectively a holiday
for many workers, who only had to walk to
their polling stations to cast their votes for the Assembly elections. This
meant much less traffic on the streets. It was also a
bright sunny day with a light breeze, free from the characteristic smog that
increasingly blights our winters. Surely a day in
which air pollution would be minimal, you would think—and so a welcome respite
from the almost continuously
contaminated atmosphere that residents of Delhi have had to get accustomed to.
Yet, even on this
well-favoured afternoon, the pollution readings of the official agencies in Delhi
were disturbing, if not downright
alarming. According to the Central Pollution Control Board’s (CPCB) website at
5 p.m., the air quality in its monitoring
station in the Dwarka area was remarkably poor. The concentration of nitric
oxide (NO) was nearly five times the recommended level
(at 320 μg/m), nitrogen oxides (NOx, highly reactive gases) was four and a half
times, particulate matter
PM10 (at 958
μg/m) was nearly 10 times and sulphur dioxide was more than five times the
recommended upper limit.
The Meteorological
Department’s estimates for that day were hardly more reassuring: levels of PM10
that were 24 times the level recommended
by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and six times those of our own much more
lenient national standard. The
worst news was about the levels of PM2.5—extremely tiny particulates that are
more dangerous because they can penetrate
deep into the lungs to cause illness and even death. Levels of PM2.5 in Delhi
are often in excess of 15 times the WHO limit, but
even on this apparently clear and pleasant day they were more than 22 times the
WHO limit. Delhi is,
unfortunately, not alone in this respect. In 2013, the WHO found that India had
13 of the 20 cities in the world with the most polluted
air: a sad attribute for which to be the world leader, especially with our
still low levels of both per capita income and
industrialisation. Nor are the big metros always the biggest offenders. Indeed,
on the very day that I checked the levels for Delhi,
the worst atmospheric pollution was recorded by Pune in Maharashtra, once a
city renowned for its leafy streets and
pleasant environment. Officially, half of our towns and cities have “critical”
levels of atmospheric pollution, and one-third of
urban residents in India live in surroundings that are designated as “extremely
critical” in terms of contaminated air.
It is no
surprise, therefore, that people across the country now routinely suffer from
serious respiratory illnesses, including asthma and
persistent throat and lung infections. Many of us will eventually also have to
deal with potentially fatal diseases such as cancer
and pulmonary failure, and suffer from more heart attacks and strokes, simply
because of the air we breathe on a daily basis.
It has been estimated by the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control)
Authority appointed by the Supreme Court of
India that outdoor air pollution is the fifth biggest killer in India, after
high blood pressure, indoor air pollution from
cooking fuels, tobacco smoking and poor nutrition. The WHO estimated that air
pollution ranked fifth in terms of mortality
impact and seventh in terms of health burden in India, contributing to over
6,27,000 deaths and 17.7 million healthy years of
life lost in 2010.
As always, the poor are the worst affected.
They are more likely to have jobs that involve more time in polluted open
environments that, therefore, require breathing foul air; they are more likely
to use transport systems (buses, cycling and walking) that expose them to
contaminated atmosphere; they will probably live in homes that are more exposed
to the outside air and in more congested areas that are anyway more polluted.
And, of course, when they suffer from illnesses as a result, they are less
likely to be able to access good quality medical care or the medicines that
will allow them to live with the associated morbidity with some ease. So, what
exactly are we doing about this appalling situation that threatens the basic
health and well-being of so many of our people? Sadly, almost nothing is being
done in terms of effective public policy. Pollution is still not seen as a
political issue: even in the Delhi elections, none of the major contending
parties dealt with it seriously in their manifestos. In official circles, much
of the discussion is confined to high-minded platitudes rather than genuine and
systematic efforts to address this rapidly worsening problem.
If anything, the
problem is set to get much worse before it gets better. A significant part of
urban air pollution comes from vehicular traffic, and the automobile population
in the country is only going to grow. A study by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
and the University of San Diego in 2014 suggested that “if the current trends
of vehicle population, fuel and emission standards persist, PM2.5 emissions
will increase by a factor of three, and those of NOx will increase by a factor
of five”.
Obviously, one
direct and necessary way of addressing this is to regulate the number and
nature of vehicles. This has been a major means of reducing atmospheric
pollution in the developed world, with different policy carrots (better public
transport and more planned urban environments with reduced commuting needs)
being combined with sticks (higher taxation and tighter regulation of the number
of vehicles, stricter emission limits, and so on). But in India all this is
still in its infancy, and in fact public policy still operates to incentivise
automobiles and private ownership of vehicles.
Although emission limits have been
tightened to some extent, at present only 38 Indian towns and cities have
Bharat Stage IV standards (equivalent to Euro IV, still lower than what is
required in most European towns). Others operate on Bharat III standards, which
allow significantly higher levels of vehicular emissions, or no effective
standards at all. Meanwhile, one of the most dangerous air pollutants, PM2.5
particles, results from a heavy reliance on diesel vehicles that produce black
carbon aerosols. Both private vehicles and public transport contribute to this,
also because the cars, buses and trucks used are not the most clean and
efficient ones.
But more significantly, the entire thrust
of urban planning across the country is actually to push more people into using
private vehicles rather than developing public transport or making it possible
to walk or cycle. The first sector to receive subsidies and tax rebates in the
wake of the global financial crisis in 2008-09 was the automobile sector.
The inadequate provision for public
transport in any case forces greater dependence upon private vehicles. Most
cities and towns have developed road systems that are not just unfriendly to pedestrians but frequently extremely dangerous and sometimes near impossible to
traverse on foot. The use of bicycles, too, is both fraught and hazardous given
the nature of other traffic on roads and the lack of dedicated lanes for
So public intervention actively (though indirectly) contributes to the worsening atmospheric pollution in India. There are some obvious measures that could be undertaken, such as those mentioned above. Many others can be thought of, if only there is clear engagement on the part of those who matter in the effort to change things. Unfortunately, thus far, there is no indication that dealing with urban air pollution is at all a pressing concern for policymakers.
(Published in
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